Hope For You advocates for, and is involved in promoting and supporting policies and laws that foster social justice. Our organization partners with a global advocacy organization that collectively mobilizes Christian voices to urge the nation’s decisions makers to end hunger at home and abroad. For instance in 2019, Hope For You joined in mobilizing churches to send letters and emails, make phone calls, and visit the members of Congress and their staff in Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. about legislation that addresses hunger and other pressing issues in the U.S. and around the world; and solicit support in passing a favorable bill towards this cause. We requested for $250 million increase in funding for global nutrition programs in the fiscal year 2020 spending bill and it was approved!
In 2019, Hope For You joined in mobilizing churches to send letters and emails, make phone calls, and visit the members of Congress and their staff in Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. about legislation that addresses hunger and other pressing issues in the U.S. and around the world; and solicit support in passing a favorable bill towards this cause. We requested for $250 million increase in funding for global nutrition programs in the fiscal year 2020 spending bill and it was approved!